
Exceptional Education at the Heart of the Community

Exceptional Education at the Heart of the Community

Careers Guidance

Name and address of Careers Leader

Kay Reading - Careers Lead
t: 023 8032 8128

Like our Careers Facebook page.

At Oasis Academy Mayfield, we pride ourselves on providing a full range of careers education in line with the Gatsby Benchmarks and the Baker Clause.



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Student Achievement Data & Information

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Flying Start is jam-packed with information and activities that can help young people plan their next steps in education or training. Not only that, it includes lots of resources to help students prepare for life, study, and work after school. All to ensure young people have the Flying Start they deserve!


Students & young people who are…

  • In Year 11 or coming up to school leaving age (16)
  • In college, sixth form, or an apprenticeship, and reconsidering their options
  • Not in education or training at the moment

Whether a student does or doesn’t have a plan in place for what comes next, Flying Start is here to help.