Attendance and Punctuality
Good attendance and punctuality are essential if you are to succeed at the Academy, in fact research shows that there is a direct link between good attendance and academic progress and achievement.
We operate a system of ‘same day’ calling for all absences, ensuring that parents can be confident of our attendance system at the Academy and their child(ren) are safely at school.
How Oasis Academy Mayfield Supports Outstanding Attendance:
We work closely with parents and students to celebrate outstanding attendance. We offer a brilliant range of rewards for students with 97% or above attendance, 100% attendance and also improved attendance. Our rewards include Thorpe park trip, Ice Creams, Film afternoon, Samsung Galaxy tablet and much more!
Oasis Mayfield monitors attendance by the Diamond, so students are aware of the colour banding. We reward 100% attendance on a weekly basis by issuing epraise points, which can be cashed in for rewards.
Oasis Academy Mayfield works closely with parents to support outstanding attendance, this is in the form of regular communication from tutors, Heads of Year and the Attendance Officer.
How Parents Can Support Outstanding Attendance:
Your child’s tutor is the first point of communication for all areas of attendance. We encourage parents to communicate with tutors and to keep all lines of communication open.
Our Attendance Officer will contact parents in the cases of all absences. This is usually through text messages, phone calls and in some cases, a home visit.
Medical appointments should be taken outside of school hours or failing this communicate with the Attendance Officer to find a suitable time.
Oasis Academy Mayfield will, in most cases, request medical evidence for medical appointments, this can be an appointment card or a photocopy of the medication prescribed.
Encourage your child to be resilient on unwell days and administer paracetamol where possible. Absences for Coughs, sore throats or feeling sick may not be authorised.
Application for Leave of Absence
Applications for leave of absence must be made using the Application for Leave of Absence Form and submitted to our Receptionist at the academy main reception.
The Education (Pupil Registration) (England) Regulations 2006 subsequently AMENDED Regulations September 2013 makes clear that Principals may not grant any leave of absence during term time unless there are exceptional circumstances.
For a Parent/Carer Summary about the above policy on registration, attendance and holidays in term time including related facts on the impact of absence, please click here: Academy Attendance Document. This is given to all new students on admission to Oasis Academy Mayfield.